__Gameplay:__ 40 Levels / Multiclassing to 4 Classes MAX / No minimum class quantity constraint * Dedicated Action Server: Ultra-fast Level Up * Many quests with neat content [[quests|see here:]] * multi-language (95% translated, the rest is in progress) * 13 Bosses including “Multi-Bosses” [[gallerie|see here:]] * Unique Classes (Created Specially for Fallen Empire) {{:classes.png?linkonly}} (thanks @Elandir)(thanks @Elandir) * Specific Bosses for Events * Many loots, including loots with variable properties (dependent on dice rolls) * Spell Numbers for casters increased (as no additionnal spells by item) * Uncap of Spells damage * A “Unique” Runes System to Customize Player's ITEMS * A small community, but a community that helps each other __technically:__ * Regular/frequent updates * An Improved interface (buffs Icons/Character Sheet integrating the information of buffs/items) * Player content protected by Heimdall (no one can see your builds) A server made by a gamer, for gamers