A Feral mage can throw themselves into a frenzy, allowing them to unleash a salvo of spells much faster than an average spellcaster.

A Spell Frenzy lasts for 3 rounds + the Feral mage's wisdom bonus gaining a extra use at level 1,3,5,7 and 10 for a total of 5 uses per day, this may be increased by 2 by taking the extra rage feat. While under the effect of the frenzy the mage gets -2 AC, -4 will save penaty when fatigued

While under the effect of the frenzy the spellcaster gains the following ability

- <b>Spell Frenzy:</b> Through channeling their inner rage the Feral Mage's gains autoquicken 1-2

- <b>Improved Spell Frenzy:</b> Through channeling their inner rage the Feral Mage's spell frenzy increases potency and increases to autoquicken 1-4

- <b>Greater Spell Frenzy:</b> Through channeling their inner rage the Feral Mage's spell frenzy increases potency and increases to autoquicken 1-6

- <b>Supreme Spell Frenzy:</b> Through channeling their inner rage the Feral Mage's spell frenzy increases potency and increases to autoquicken 1-8

- <b>Insane Spell Frenzy:</b> Mastering their emotions, the Feral mage at last is one with their rage granting granting them autoquicken 1-9