<color=Gold><b>Plague Bearer</b></color>

<color=Red>(PRESTIGE CLASS: This class is not available at character creation and must be unlocked by meeting special requirements, listed below.)</color>

When exposed to the virulent Spore Plague, most people simply die. Some are transformed by the disease into monsters, their bodies and minds twisted by it. A chosen few are able to master the plague, becoming one with the disease. They embrace it in all its pain, sickness and horror. Every moment of their lives becomes agony, as sores spread across their bodies and eats away a them. But the Plague Bearer does not die, and while their bodies are twisted and their minds warped, they become stronger.


<b>Feats:</b> Power Attack, Cleave. <b>Race:</b> Plague Brute or Frontier Brute <b>Skills:</b> Intimidate 5 <b>Alignment</b> Any Evil <Special> No Dragon Disciple

<color=Gold>Class Features:</color>

- <b>Hit Die:</b> d12 - <b>Base Attack Bonus:</b> High. - <b>High Saves:</b> Fortitude, Reflex, Will. - <b>Weapon Proficiencies:</b> None. - <b>Armor Proficiencies:</b> Medium. - <b>Skill Points:</b> 2 + Int modifier. - <b>Class Skills:</b> Craft Rune, Tumble, Survival, Intimidate

<color=Gold>Class Abilities:</color>

Level 1: Aura of Despair, Immunity to Fear, Armour Limitation Level 2: +2 str Level 3: DR 1 Level 4: +2 con Level 5: Widen Aura of Despair Level 6: DR 2 Level 7: +2 str Level 8: +2 con Level 9: Improved Aura Of Despair, DR 3 Level 10: +2 str

- <b>Immunity To Fear:</b> Consumed by the plague the plague bearers have accepted death and are no longer effected by fear.

- <b>Armour Limitation:</b> Due to the constant contortion of their twisted bodies, plague bearers are unable to wear anything more rigid then medium armor.

- <b>Damage Reduction:</b> As the plague consumes them the plague bearers skin starts to thicken, allowing them to brush off more then the average man, granting them 1 damage reduction every third level (3,6,9) For a total of 3. This ability only stacks with greater resilence and epic damage reduction.

- <b>Aura of Despair:</b> Spreading the plague grants joy to the bearers, granting them an aura of despair. This ability only gets stronger as the plague takes more of a hold over their soul; at first increasing its range, then increasing its hold on its victims, granting Widen Aura of Despair at level 5 and Improved aura of despair at level 9.

- <b>Ability increase:</b> As the plague infests the bearer's soul it grants him strength and constitution above and beyone the normal man, granting him Great strength 1 and 2 at level 2, great constitution 1 and 2 at level 4, great strength 2 and 4 at level 7, great constitution 3 and 4 at level 8 and finally great strength 5 and 6 at level 10.