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<color=Gold><b>Imperial Centurion</b></color>

<color=Red>(PRESTIGE CLASS: This class is not available at character creation and must be unlocked by meeting special requirements, listed below.)</color>

For over two thousand years, the Imperial Legion of Markenia has dominated the continent with their strength, organization and battle strategy. Conquest after conquest has been won by the hand of the legion, and even today the men and women of the Empire's fighting foreces fight to keep their world safe from all manner of danger. Chief among them are the Centurions: glorious and stalwart warriors who stand at the front of the battle and lead their troops to victory. Clad head to toe in the sturdiest of armors, the Centurions stride ever forward, holding aloft the banner of the Empire in one hand as they defend their allies and bring down Markenia's enemies.


<b>Feats:</b> Toughness, Great Fortitude. <b>Race:</b> Human <b>BAB:</b> 8 <b>Skills:</b> Parry 5.

<color=Gold>Class Features:</color>

- <b>Hit Die:</b> d10 - <b>Base Attack Bonus:</b> High. - <b>High Saves:</b> Fortitude, reflex, will. - <b>Weapon Proficiencies:</b> All. - <b>Armor Proficiencies:</b> All. - <b>Skill Points:</b> 2 + Int modifier. - <b>Class Skills:</b> Tumble, Craft Rune, Intimidate, Lore, Parry, and Taunt.

<color=Gold>Class Abilities:</color>

Level 1: Defensive stance x1, Improved Defence I Level 2: Uncanny dodge Level 3: Defensive Stance x2, +1 str, +1dex +1con Level 4: Improved Defence II Level 5: Defensive Stance x3 Level 6: Improved Uncanny dodge Level 7: Defensive stance x4, Improved Defence III Level 8: +2 str, +2dex +2con Level 9: Defensive stance x5 Level 10: improved defense IV, +3 str, +3dex +3con

- <b>Defensive stance:</b> The Imperial Centurion can become a bastion of defense. He cannot move from the spot he's defending, but he gains +2 Strength, +4 Constitution, and a +2 bonus to all saves. A 1st-level Centurion can use this ability 1/day. He gains an additional use every two levels beyond 1st.

- <b>Uncanny dodge:</b> At 2nd level the Centurion retains his Dexterity bonus to AC even when caught flat-footed.

- <b>Improved Defense:</b> The imperial centurion receives a +1 dodge bonus to AC at 1st level. This bonus improves by an additional +1 at 4th, 7th, and 10th level.

- <b> Improved Uncanny Dodge:</b> At 6th level the Centurion can no longer be sneak attacked except by a rogue 4 or more levels higher than him.

- <b>Attribute Increase:</b> At level 3 the Imperial Centurion gains +1 to strength, dexterity and constitution, at level 10 this bonus is increased to +3. This bonus is granted by the Great attribute feats.

centurion.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/17 01:22 by admin